The Best Figure Skater On Backorder


The Best Figure Skater in the Whole Wide World

All Lizzy wants is to be the best figure skater in the whole wide world. When she begins taking lessons, Lizzy discovers that ice skating is a lot harder than it looks. Even so, she is determined to learn. And when her teacher announces that the class will be performing Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at the winter carnival, Lizzy knows she can skate the lead. But Lizzys dreams are shattered when she is cast as a lowly tree. She valiantly perseveres, and on the day of the show, Lizzy spontaneously leads the other trees in a performance no one will ever forget.

Young readers will love this spunky heroine who overcomes her setbacks with imagination and humor and discovers her own special way to shine.

Grades K to 3 Ages 5 to 8
4-color, 10 x 9, 32 pages
Curriculum Connections Character Education, Self-respect, Perseverance
Reading levels Fountas Pinnell M Grade Level 2/3 Reading Recovery 20

Author Linda Bailey Illustrated by Alan Daniel and Lea Daniel Spread of

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