Maddie Takes the Ice


Maddie Takes The Ice

Madison Albright is one of the most confident skaters at the Arctic Circle Figure Skating Club, but the pressure builds as she prepares for the regional championship. A jealous skater is prepared to do whatever it takes to knock Madison from the competition and an old friend turns against her just when she needs her the most. Strangers and classmates alike suddenly make her the center of attention. Her stern coach seems incapable of understanding her worries. Her best friend is preoccupied with boy problems. At home, her family expects a big win.
In the final days before the event, her confidence begins to unravel and she struggles to succeed in spite of the stress and strain that is competitive figure skating.

Come along for an unforgettable journey as Maddie Takes the Ice.

By Nicolette House
Ages 8-12
192 pages.

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