Figure Skating Italian Charm Link Skater Girl

$10.00 Italian charm bracelet links offers you one of the most beautiful and unique ways to express your individuality.

Each bracelet you design is truly one of a kind and reflects your own style and personality. Italian charm links are one of the most versatile jewelry imports to ever hit the US. Making your own bracelet is as easy as 1 – 2 – 3.

The secret is in the clever, interlocking design which gives you the flexibility of purchasing a different Italian charm any time you desire. Then you add it to your starter bracelet, charm by charm. And each individual charm can be added in seconds, anytime, anywhere! The standardized sizing of Italian Charms makes them compatible with all the different brands you will find to purchase. It also allows the charms on an Italian charm bracelet to be interchangeable. This means you can quickly change out your charms anytime to give you a new look or to better fit you’re changing interests and style.

Attaching Italian Charms Adding and removing your Italian Charm the first time may be a bit awkward. But not to worry, you’ll be an expert in a few minutes. Next thing you know you you’ll be rearranging your Italian Charm Bracelet Charms regularly.

One way to attach Italian Charms to a starter bracelet is to do it with your fingers, which is the most popular way. 1) Begin by squeezing the Italian Charm between your thumb and index finger, like you are pinching the charm. Be sure to squeeze tight. 2) While squeezing the charm, push your thumb forward. You will see that part of the Italian Charm slides with your thumb and part of the Italian Charm stays with your index finger.

This step simply opens up the Italian Charm. The Charm is spring-loaded so you must keep up the pressure or it will snap back. You will notice under your thumb that you have pushed out a hook. 3) Now take another Italian Charm in your opposite hand and attach its hook across the bar on the back of the other Italian Charm. You don’t have to open the other Italian Charm up, you can just hook right onto it. Italian Charms only open one way. So, if you push on the Italian Charm to open it and nothing happens you need to turn it around and push the other way.

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